Almost all sectors are now impacted by the labor shortage in Luxembourg

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Am 10/02/2022, von Florane Giolat veröffentlicht

In a recent interview with the Paperjam magazine, ADEM's director Isabelle Schlesser has revealed the new most in demand jobs in Luxembourg. After years of labor shortage in the digital and financial industries in the country, tables have turned when Covid-19 crisis appeared in 2020, revealing new professions that are now very sought after by companies.

The health crisis caused much damages and consequences all over the world and in all areas. In 2020 in Luxembourg, the pandemic hit hard the labor market, with an annual increase of 31.1% in job seekers. After a sudden strike of the unemployment rate in April 2020 where it approached the 7%, it slowly decreased to the current rate of 5.2% (as per December 2021), representing a drop of 3,515 people or 17.6% compared to December 2020. Despite the relatively good news, ADEM's director has expressed her concerns regarding some industries that still suffer from labor shortage.

Which profiles have been strongly impacted?

Before introducing the sectors and professions, it is important to mention that some job seekers have particularly suffer from the crisis and its consequences. According to Isabelle Schlesser, young people have been significantly more impacted, because "they often work on a temporary contract, which is not always reconducted, and most of all, there were no job offers for them at this moment." Fortunately, the situation is now better for them, as their unemployment rate is now even lower than before the crisis.

Apart from young people, the other category that have been strongly impacted are long-time job seekers, who represent half of the country's unemployed people: "It's the highest figure we've ever had in Luxembourg" says the director. More than 9,000 people are concerned. The next challenge of ADEM and companies is to offer concrete measures to "help develop employability, training, coaching..." so that the (job) offer can meet the demand.

Luxembourg's most in demand jobs post-crisis:

Among the recently identified sectors, Construction area stands out from the crowd. The industry is actively looking for electricians, mechanic workers, HVAC installers, plumbers, tile-setters, masons and many more. These professions are so sought-after that now, 1/5 of job offers published on concerns building and mechanical jobs in Luxembourg.

In general, the Craft sector is also particularly in demand. Some professionals are becoming very rare on the labor market and companies must now use their charms to "seduce" them. It concerns butchers, bakers, florists, gardeners, pastry chefs... Large groups like Auchan Luxembourg are actively recruiting them, as well as other Retail groups like Delhaize or Lidl that will even meet potential future candidates face to face during the upcoming Job and Career Development fair organized in March.

"The Greater Region alone is no longer sufficient to meet all recruitment needs today." - Isabelle Schlesser

The demand has been increasing in another area: the cleaning sector. Due to further cleaning measures within companies and public places, cleaning professionals are strongly sought-after, even if this is the most represented profession among job seekers in Luxembourg. This can be explained by the fact that some jobs require a car and sometimes restrictive schedules.

On, the number of job offers published in Luxembourg is constantly increasing. With a total of 5,000 ads posted, some other professions stand out like it is the case of Transport and Engineering.

Because we cannot talk about Employment in Luxembourg without mentioning Finance and Information Technology, it is important to know that these sectors still represent the majority of offers published on the jobboard: around 1400 job offers in Finance (including Accounting, Banking, Investment Funds, Audit, Insurance) and 550 jobs in IT (Development, Network/Infrastructure and Consulting).

The best solution is to keep on promoting these professions, locally and at a European level, but also to propose relevent trainings to young people and employees in reconversion.

What about the required languages?

Among the 4 most popular used languages in Luxembourg (French, German, Luxembourgish and English), some industries are more likely to look for talents speaking a specific language than the other. ADEM's director specifies that "Luxembourgish is highly requested in Health and Public sectors, German is mostly used in the Construction and Industry sectors and English is dominant in the Financial sector, especially for high qualified workers. In general, French is the most spoken language within all areas."

Indeed, French being the main communication language in Luxembourg, it is recommended to learn the basics when looking for a job in the country. For example, cleaning professionals must speak French in order to be able to understand security instructions or signs. "That is why we propose intensive French lessons with a sectorial focus, paid by the "Fonds pour l'emploi", including for the cleaning sector." she says.

So, are you ready to find your dream job in Luxembourg? Then consult all job offers published on Moovijob!

Sources: Adem - Paperjam - Delano

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