Sacred Heart University presents: Higher Education, from an internship to permanent employment, the case of Vodafone

Florane Giolatavatar

Am 29/09/2020, von Florane Giolat veröffentlicht


On Friday, 25 September 2020, the Sacred Heart University representatives participated in the virtual edition of the Moovijob Tour Luxembourg, largest Job and Career development fair in Luxembourg. During this event, Esther Celosse, Professor Of Management presented the various courses offered by their university as well as the possibilities of internships and employment afterwards.

In this conference, SHU invited Pascal Van Benschop, Recruiter, and Joud Adada, Category Manager at Vodafone to present their company, internships offers and career evolution in collaboration with Sacred Heart University.

If you miss this conference during the Moovijob Tour Luxembourg, watch it now!


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