Junior Buyer

Veröffentlicht am 04/09/2024

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About ArcelorMittal


ArcelorMittal is the global largest steel producer, with steel manufacturing in 17 countries, 168000 employees, crude steel production of 72 million metric tonnes in 2020 and 69 million metric tonnes of steel shipment. As the world’s leading steel producer, we have responsibility to be at the forefront of a transition in steel that achieves the goal of Paris agreement.


Steelmaking accounts for some 7-9% of global carbon emissions today. The scale of challenge for steel industry has been clarified by the latest UN reports: the world needs to be carbon neutral by mid-century to limit the rise in global temperatures by 1.5 degree Celsius. And yet to make this transition, and to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals, our future world would need more steel, not less. For the steel industry, nothing short of a transformation is thus needed.


ArcelorMittal has published its Climate Action Report in 2019 and has taken a commitment of NET ZERO carbon emissions by 2050 for entire operations of the group. As initial steps in Europe, ArcelorMittal has target to reduce its CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030 over 2018 levels (c.a. 80 million metric tonnes per year). This means assessing all we do for its CO2 impact, particularly in terms of investment and product development. Decarbonization is the key focus for ArcelorMittal group and requires development / negotiation /implementation of concrete projects and necessary funding possibilities within European Green Deal.



About Energy


The Energy Department, part of the European Purchasing Organization of ArcelorMittal, is responsible for purchasing electricity, natural gas and industrial gases (oxygen, nitrogen, argon and hydrogen), and developing energy projects for the group e.g. energy efficiency, power plants to valorize siderurgical gases, renewable energy projects and industrial gas plants. Energy department is buying energy directly on markets or through bilateral contracts for European perimeter and is providing necessary support & expertise to ArcelorMittal’s steel mills World wild in their energy projects. The team is also reviewing European directives on energy and supporting group in preparing respective advocacy plans.


To achieve said goal of decarbonization, Energy team is supporting European operations of ArcelorMittal by leading various initiatives, including one or combination of following:

-       Energy efficiency projects to reduce energy consumption in the process

-       Carbon -neutral (with guarantees of origin/GoO) energy sourcing projects

-       Renewable energy sourcing

-       Sourcing of green hydrogen for use in steel production

-       Gas separation /carbon-capture from siderurgical gases, storage or use of CO2

-       Injection of bio-mass and/or bio-gas instead of fossil based raw materials

-       Sale of bio-chemical products (produced as by-product in the process) like bio-ethanol etc..

-       Advocacy plan to support Europe in the journey of decarbonization


We are looking for candidates who are excited to fight against climate change by contributing in development of necessary projects for electro-intensive industry and thus supporting in the sustainable future for our society.


Scope, mission and Responsibilities of the candidate


·      Energy market analysis (natural gas, electricity, renewable energy, CO2, industrial gases including green hydrogen)

o  Prepare costs analyses and support in optimization of energy consumption and invoices

o  Provide country analyses (main players, market organization, regulation),

o  Review and provide supplier’s strategy for the future,

o  Provide competitors strategy and follow up,

o  Analyze and summarize regulations or European directives for renewable energy, green hydrogen, carbon capture and/or bio-chemical products and support in preparing the advocacy plan for Europe

·      Project development (supply contract negotiation, power plant projects, renewable energy projects, green hydrogen sourcing projects, carbon capture projects, industrial gas projects and sale of bio-chemical projects)

o  Support Buyers during negotiation:

§ analyze and summarize the respective regulation,

§ help to define the negotiation strategy,

§ participate in supplier meetings

§ review and provide analysis of received offers from different suppliers,

§ develop business models required in case of joint venture approach and/or to challenge  the quotes received from suppliers

§ make proposal /recommendation for supplier selection

o  Point of contact for internal stakeholders (Sites, Corporate Technical Team, Legal, etc) and suppliers or partners

·      Reporting

o  Energy Mapping: prepare and provide the summary of group energy bill (in B$), consumption (in TWh) and energy market follow up

·      New activities:

o  Study new markets,

o  Participate to feasibility study, analyses/recommendation for decision making

o  Transversal projects with several stakeholders

Main characteristics and skills:

-       Professional experience from 0 to 3 years

-       Masters degree in Engineering or Economics

-       Knowledge of industrial gas plants like air separation units and/or green hydrogen production technology (electrolyzers) and/or renewable energy (solar PVs, wind turbines) is a plus

-       Fluent in English with minimum one European language (German, French or Spanish)

-       Dynamic, persistent, working autonomously and taking initiative

-       Strong leadership and interpersonal skills, team player

-       Ability to interact effectively and professionally within a multi-cultural environment

-       Excellent communication and listening skills

-       Keen commercial sense

-       Strong organizational skills

-       Ability to think systemically and solve problems effectively and efficiently

-       Strong analytical skills and ability to build business models

-       Proficiency in Office Databases (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). VBA or R would be a plus

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24-26, boulevard d'Avranches
L-1160 Luxembourg

Karriere ArcelorMittal

Junior Buyer

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