Company cover

Proximus Luxembourg bei dem Moovijob Day Luxemburg in Deutschland

Dienstag 16. November 2021

von 13 bis 20 Uhr

Dienstag 16. November 2021

von 13 bis 20 Uhr

Created in January 2019, Proximus Luxembourg SA brings together the Tango and Telindus brands under one umbrella and employs 750 people.

Both brands operate jointly to meet all the telecommunications needs of Luxembourg's residential and business customers.

Tango offers fixed and mobile telephony, Internet and television services to residential customers and small businesses with less than 10 employees, while Telindus provides ICT and fixed and mobile telecommunication services to medium-sized and large companies as well as public administrations.

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Proximus Luxembourg


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Moovijob Day Luxemburg in Deutschland - Online

16. November 2021


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