Post-doctoral researcher in Private Law Abgelaufen

Veröffentlicht am 18/08/2024

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Université du Luxembourg


The Department of Law of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance of the University of Luxembourg is looking for a Postdoctoral researcher to conduct research in Private Law.

Your Role...

The postdoctoral researcher will be working under the supervision of Professor Gilles Cuniberti. In particular, the Postdoctoral Researcher will be in charge of:

  • Publication of articles in scientific outlets and contributions to conferences. More specifically, the candidate will be expected to 1) write and submit at least one substantial piece of scholarship to reputable law journals and 2) dedicate some of their research to publish in the field of Luxembourg private law (in Luxembourg journals). The candidate is welcome to work, in addition, on the publication of their doctoral thesis, but this will not be counted towards the goals formulated above
  • Assisting with teaching activities (on average, one to three hours per week) and contribute to tutoring students
  • Assisting in the coordination of research activities in the private law research area


We are looking for a candidate with a PhD in private law, preferably with a specialization in civil law (including, but not limited to, obligations, property or family law), civil procedure, private international law, consumer law or labour law (N.B. applications from PhD candidates who will have started their final year of doctoral studies before that date may be considered).

In particular, the following requirements apply:

  • Strong interest in civil law (including, but not limited to, obligations, property or family law), civil procedure, private international law, consumer law or labour law
  • Proven ability to autonomously conduct research at a post-doctoral level
  • Good IT skills
  • Proven ability to work individually as well as part of a team
  • Have the linguistic skills to evolve in a multilingual environment: fluency in French, excellent level in English, good understanding of a third language, German in particular, will be considered an advantage
  • Excellent communication and writing skills

About us...

The University of Luxembourg ( is Luxembourg's only public university. Created in 2003, it strives today to meet tomorrow's major societal challenges, by nurturing an interdisciplinary approach and international outlook, investing in scientific quality and innovation, as well as offering personalised and multilingual teaching. le="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">The institution places particular emphasis on research with impact. To achieve this goal, its research priorities focus on digital transformation, medicine and health, as well as sustainable and societal development. The University invests in its knowledge and technology transfer through an attractive intellectual property policy and numerous partnerships. 7,500 students are enrolled at, of which 1,000 are doctoral candidates. With 300 professors, students have privileged access to world-renowned expertise. Times Higher Education ranks 20th in the Young University Ranking 2024 and among the top 250 universities in the world.

The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance offers four Bachelor programmes, fourteen Master programmes, as well as several continuing education courses. It also includes the Doctoral School in Law and the Doctoral School in Economics and Finance. Around 1,600 students from 97 different nationalities are enrolled at the Faculty. Academic staff from different nationalities teach at the Faculty, supported by practitioners from the field, visiting scholars and guest professors. Rooted in Luxembourg but with a European and international outlook, the Faculty counts three departments:

  • Department of Law
  • Department of Economics and Management
  • Department of Finance

Teaching and research benefit from the proximity of the European institutions, Luxembourg's leading international financial centre and its vibrant business community. Institutional and private sector partnerships, sponsored Chairs and a growing network of international partner universities make the FDEF a vibrant academic hub at the heart of Europe.

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Université du Luxembourg

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L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette

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