Electronics Technician


vor 1 Monat. von Babji Chiluvuri



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Babji Chiluvuri



Dear sir I am Babji from Qatar, I am an Indian resident, currently I am working in Hamad International Airport as Electronics Maintenance Technician since September 2022. I have total 15years of experience in electrical and electronics wing, as a Electronics Technician, Technical Foreman, & Testing engineer (Electronics). Can I apply for Electronics Technician position in Luxembourg. please?

Dear sir I am Babji from Qatar, I am an Indian resident, currently I am working in Hamad International Airport as Electronics Maintenance Technician since September 2022. I have total 15years of experience in electrical and electronics wing, as a Electronics Technician, Technical Foreman, & Testing engineer (Electronics). Can I apply for Electronics Technician position in Luxembourg. please?

Hello, all non-EU nationals are welcome to come and work in Europe, provided they have a VISA and a work permit. Beware, however: the conditions for obtaining these 2 documents are still very difficult. More info here: https://guichet.public.lu/en/citoyens/immigration.html

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