[Blog] Should I stay or should I go? How to know if you are ready to quit your current job

Marion Peteravatar

vor 2 Jahren. von Marion Peter


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Marion Peteravatar

Marion Peter

To stay in the same company, or quit and leave everything behind? That is the question! A decision that is not easy to make, as it implies many changes: to leave your current job and to take the risk of starting a whole new life. Sometimes, it also means you have to start from zero, and find a new routine, meet new colleagues and acquire new experiences.



Plusieurs années dans la même entreprise, dois-je rester ?

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Good afternoon,

currently in a high ranked job, I have been called by a headhunter for a new position. To be honest, it is a really interesting offer, and I am about to accept the offer. Do you have any tipps in how to do it as smoothly as possible?

Thank you in advance.


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