Teacher (M/F/D) for Estonian language - Secondary cycle (5 periods/week - CDD 2 Years)

Veröffentlicht am 29/08/2024

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Ecole Européenne Luxembourg I


Job description





A teacher for Estonian language in the Secondary cycle of the European School Luxembourg I is recruited to take up post on 30 August 2024.





  • The candidate will be a qualified teacher for Estonian language at secondary school level (all levels up to BAC).
  • The candidate will be a native Estonian speaker (mother tongue level or level C2).
  • The candidate will have at least 2 years of professional experience as teacher in Secondary.
  • A qualification to teach English, German or French as foreign language at secondary level (all levels up to BAC) will be considered as an asset.
  • Previous experience teaching children with Autism Spectrum Disorder will be considered an asset.
  • Previous experience as teacher in a European school and knowledge of at least one of the other working languages of the European School of Luxembourg (FR-DE-EN) will be considered an asset.
  • The candidate will be willing to acquire knowledge of support in the European Schools and in particular at the European School Luxembourg 1 (procedures, documentation, special adaptations, special arrangements....).
  • The candidate will be motivated to work as part of a team with other teachers and support staff, as well as secondary cycle educational advisers.
  • The candidate will be willing to acquire the necessary knowledge for the effective use of the European Schools' specific software.
  • The candidate will have knowledge of the European School system and be motivated to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment.
  • The candidate will have a strong sense of responsibility and an impeccable personal presentation.
  • The candidate has to be a EU citizen or be in possession of an authorisation to work in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg at the time of application.



We offer:


  • A renewable fixed-term-contract (2 years) from 30 August 2024 in accordance with the Service regulations for the locally recruited teachers in the European Schools: (https://www.eursc.eu/fr/Office/official-texts/basic-texts/en under "Service Regulations for Locally recruited teachers in the European Schools - 2016-05-D-11-en-14" (https://www.eursc.eu/BasicTexts/2016-05-D-11-en-14.pdf),
  • 5 teaching periods per week,
  • Monthly gross salary: approximately 1.976,50 EUR per month (395,30 EUR/ month for one period of teaching a week in Secondary classes),
  • School fees (art. 39): “For school year teachers a reduction in school fees shall be granted during the period of his/her employment for any of his/her children enrolled in the European Schools. The reduction shall amount to 7% per weekly hour taught in the nursery and primary cycles and to 5% per weekly period taught in the secondary cycle. The present Article shall not give entitlement to any compensation in cases where a child of a locally recruited is enrolled in a school other than one of the European Schools.”



 Recruitment procedure:


  • All applications have to be uploaded exclusively via the recruitment portal of the European School Luxembourg I – Kirchberg. (https://www.euroschool.lu/vacancies) at the latest by Sunday 14 July 2024 to the attention of

Mr. Martin WEDEL

Director of the European School Luxembourg I


and indicating the reference 2024-06-02-SEC-EE-L1 in the motivation letter.

  • The application must be accompanied by:
  • a motivation letter (in DE, EN or FR),
  • a detailed curriculum vitae (if possible in « Europass » format) (in DE, EN or FR),
  • a copy of the study diploma,
  • an extract from the criminal record (bulletin 3 and 5 for Luxembourg or equivalent for other countries) dated less than 3 months,
  • if applicable, a valid authorisation to work in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg for non-EU nationals, must be attached to the application.
  • All documents uploaded must be in .PDF format !
  • Incomplete applications, sent by post, by e-mail or after the deadline will not be considered.
  • No reply will be given to candidates before the end of the procedure.
  • Those interested in this position who do not have the required profile are kindly requested to refrain from applying.
  • Interviews are scheduled for the week of July 15 2024.


Detailed information about our school and the European Schools in general can be found on the website of the European School Luxembourg I www.euroschool.lu respectively on the website of the European Schools www.eursc.eu .

Requests for additional information will be handled until 11 July 2024, midday, and have to be addressed to the following email address elise.meyniel@eursc.eu.

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Ecole Européenne Luxembourg I

23 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer
1115 Luxembourg

Karriere Ecole Européenne Luxembourg I

Teacher (M/F/D) for Estonian language - Secondary cycle (5 periods/week - CDD 2 Years)

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Teacher (M/F/D) for Estonian language - Secondary cycle (5 periods/week - CDD 2 Years)


Zulässige Formate:
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt (Max. Größe: 10 mo).

z.B. Motivationsschreiben, Portfolio, etc.

Zulässige Formate:
.pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif (Max. Größe : 10 mo).

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