Banner DO Recruitment Advisors

DO Recruitment Advisors Karriere und Jobs

1 rue Jean-Pierre Brasseur L-1258 Luxembourg



1-10 Mitarbeiter



In wenigen Worten

DO Recruitment Advisors was established by Nathalie Delebois and Sinéad O'Donnell ( hence the D and the O! ). Although the Company started in 2008, our partnership began several years earlier, when we both held management positions working for the world's largest recruitment firm. During this fantastic time, we gained extensive exposure to many different parts of the Human Resources arena. With this experience, we felt well equipped when we saw a niche in the market and we jumped at this exciting opportunity to start DO Recruitment Advisors.

Many people ask what makes us different, and we always reply that it is our approach to people and our commitment and love for what we do. We focus on quality, working in partnership with talented and skilled individuals. Whether a client or a candidate, our objective is to deliver excellence to both parties with our personally tailored service to you.

Our business is people. We understand the importance of people, and that people really DO matter.


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